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Friday, 27 April 2012

Bluetooth receiver hack

After installing an AUX input to the radio of my Mini a while back, I got sick of continuously having to plug my phone into the cable I wired up, and needed to go wireless.

Bluetooth A2DP receivers allow a phone to send music-quality audio to a receiver device, and this is the way I wanted to go. But for a while, they were just too expensive - around $50 for a receiver, so I put it off...

Until I discovered this cheap module on DealExtreme. At only $14, it's hard to go wrong!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Quick drill bit holder

My drill bits come without any holder, just the usual blister pack. So using some scrap aluminium channel and a block of pine, I made something to hold them in (click for larger):

Beats picking through a mixed pile of bits...